Welcome to Koi-Care.com, where you’ll find lots of useful information on koi and koi ponds.

What is Koi-Care?

Hi, I’m Grant and I’m a veteran fish biologist. I love fish and so do you -that’s why you’re here! I like to raise koi and tackle issues surrounding them and the water they live in. Big pond or small, come on in!

What Koi-Care Does

This site is here to help folks that have koi ponds but want to know more.  You will find information on this site that covers fish diseases, water quality issues, algae issues and a whole lot more.

What You’ll Find Here

You will find in-depth articles on lots of the common koi pond issues.  You will also find koi pond “stuff” that you may need to solve a problem or make your pond a better place for your koi.

Explore Articles & Research Products

31 Koi Diseases (and their Treatments)
Koi Diseases

31 Koi Diseases (and their Treatments)

This article describes dozens of koi diseases as well as the most appropriate treatments. The sooner you can diagnose, the
Top 15 Reasons to Have Koi and a Koi Pond
General Koi Information

Top 15 Reasons to Have Koi and a Koi Pond

Enjoying Koi pond in your backyard not only provides a charming attraction to your visitors, but it’s also a
The Most Effective Tips for Koi Pond Maintenance
General Koi Information

The Most Effective Tips for Koi Pond Maintenance

Having a Koi pond at your home is undoubtedly the quickest way to reduce stress and anxiety that you have
History of Koi Ponds
General Koi Information

History of Koi Ponds

The term “koi” is derived from a Japanese word “nishikigoi”, which literally means brocaded carp. These include the ornamental varieties
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