Welcome to Koi-Care.com, where you’ll find lots of useful information on koi and koi ponds.
What is Koi-Care?
Hi, I’m Grant and I’m a veteran fish biologist. I love fish and so do you -that’s why you’re here! I like to raise koi and tackle issues surrounding them and the water they live in. Big pond or small, come on in!
What Koi-Care Does
This site is here to help folks that have koi ponds but want to know more. You will find information on this site that covers fish diseases, water quality issues, algae issues and a whole lot more.
What You’ll Find Here
You will find in-depth articles on lots of the common koi pond issues. You will also find koi pond “stuff” that you may need to solve a problem or make your pond a better place for your koi.
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General Koi Information
10 Sure-Fire Methods to Protect your Koi from Predators & Pests (2020)
Protecting your koi pond and fish from predators is something every pond owner needs to be addressing. It is the
General Koi Information
9 Good Reasons to Breed Koi
Imagine being your own boss and hanging out with your finned friends all day. Its koi breeding and its probably
Pond Aeration
Pond Aerators: Why They’re so Important to Koi & How to Do It Right
I wrote this article as a guide to aeration and aerator pumps to stress just how important dissolved oxygen
General Koi Information
9 Ideas to Make Your Koi Pond Experience Even Better
You have a pretty nice koi pond or watergarden and you love hanging out and watching the fish and other
Pond Equipment
Building Your Koi Pond: Learn the Basics to Get Started
Section 1 – Choosing the location One of the biggest challenges in constructing a Koi pond is finding the right location for
Pond Care & Filtration
Understanding Koi Pond Filtration
Koi Pond Filtration: The Basics Koi ponds and koi keeping are gaining popularity in the U.S. and in many